Red Latex Catsuit

Set: Polina wearing a Red Latex Catsuit

Polina dressed in a red latex catsuit “Princess” by Latexcrazy – wow, she rocked the set! You will receive 108 pictures of Polina on stage, provided to our Premium Members since this is the second set we released in July.

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Black Latex Swimsuit

Set: Polina as Black Latex Swimmer

Our model Polly wears a black and tight latex catsuit with attached gloves and socks (type “Princess” by, a pair of goggles as well as a black AquaSphere swim cap. You will see her putting the cap on, above her goggles, some nice modeling poses and some nice close ups.

With this set you receive 169 pics!

Let us know your feedback! 

PS: She really got sweaty in that catsuit. Due to the attached gloves and feet she was really locked into that suit…

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